#Saturn !
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sonichedgeblog · 2 days ago
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Wallpaper released for 'Sonic Jam', which you could find by putting the SEGA Saturn disc into a computer drive. Support us on Patreon
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segacity · 2 days ago
Marurun Vs. Fernandeath 'Waku Waku 7' SEGA Saturn Support us on Patreon
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carcassolie · 3 days ago
How I learned Astrology... well. (This is only for the natal chart) + Some notes:
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• It all started with zodiac signs stories on Wattpad💀 and that led me to Tumblr years ago! It helps me learn the basic traits of each zodiac sign in a fun way and had seen some cool and some questionable fan arts.
• Learning about what each house/sign/degree represents and connecting it together, including all aspects (didn't focus on minor aspects much but they can be important!). Simple example is with Saturn (responsibility, restrictions) with the houses and signs.
- 3h: (siblings, responsibility, communication, short travel), with Saturn (restriction, responsibilities, time, authority): shitty siblings, zero confidence, your communication and expression being restricted (problems with not being heard too), must have a strict teacher in early childhood. Problems with local travel frequently (late in getting a driver's license, the train leaving as soon as you step in the station, getting a fine then realizing you had a ticket💀).
- 10h (career, public image, reputation, social status, also authority), with Uranus (unpredictable changes, Innovation, freedom and originality): your reputation goes up and down depending on the day (fame and scandals), unconventional career that might change the world, fuck up traditional systems, difficulty listening to authority, frequent job changes and firings, needs freedom in work or goes apeshit.
- My personal FAVORITE, Sun square Moon, giving you the shittiest, most destructive inner arguments and wondering if you should listen to your emotional needs or what your ego needs.
- Degrees are important but not too much, they might explain the small changes though (for example you meet a person with the same placement as you but a different degree. Some degrees are helpful while others are karmic depending on the house and MOSTLY the sign).
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• Tumblr posts, actual observations or explanations, you can tell if it's right or wrong if you have the basics. For example:
- 8h stellium might have a lot of death experiences (I consider this to be true, since a death experience is an intense experience, and that's related to 8h)
- Cancer moons can't survive without comfort food. (True, the moon is related to emotions and cancer to nurturing stuff like food and comfort literally).
- Aquarius/Aries risings are rare. (This can't be classified as right or wrong but it's a nice observation. It's a matter of where you live too).
An observation that's incredibly specific isn't something you should easily believe in, it's possible, but not always!
- 8h/12h stelliums are doomed! (No tf not please! Sure their placements are difficult but why make it even harder on them by telling them that. Everyone suffers in life, they deserve happiness too.
Doomed or not depends on how we mature and follow the North Node rather😭)
- Transits that indicate incoming danger (possibly death even, or abuse or 🍇) and say 100% it'll happen. Astrology is a tool used to prepare and guide yourself and not say "oh no it's over".
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• I never relied on YouTube or visuals, sometimes it looks boring (here goes my Gemini again). But most of them are professionals and it'll be good to take a look.
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• I also recently started using AI. it's super helpful for me to be honest. (I use DeepSeek, I long have forgotten ChatGPT). It always helps me confirm some points and overly specific questions:
- I wanted to make a connection between a socionics function (Si: comfort, memories. Bit also in two specific types that tend to visit old places just to feel the emotions they felt in the past at that place. Like going back to a football stadium where you used to play with your friends during childhood, feeling all that fun and happiness again). With the moon. I asked DeepSeek if it's okay to say it's connected to Cancer/4h moon and it said yes.
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• Connecting my experiences with my placements. Like the Saturn/Uranus observation. Or seeing what others say about you:
- I asked my bestie if I'm "Vague and poetic" (Mercury in pisces).
She said that I'm "Vague and chaotic" (I'm a Gemini rising LMAO)
- My bestie one time made a point on how I say things that are harsh, she understands that I don't do that on purpose (I love her), and that I even said things that hurt her too! (I suck idk when this happened). And I have Mercury square Pluto😭
- I ALWAYS hate people who have planets in dom/exalt while those planets in my chart are in detriment/fall. Best example is these stupid Gemini (dom) mercury who have it easy in convincing others of their ideas and debates with only words. While I (Mercury Pisces, detriment) have EVIDENCE, WITNESSES AND PAPERS and people still don't believe me (unless someone else steps in, it hurts).
- Also for my Jupiter in Scorpio (Fall), the universe plays me with luck and I KNOW IT. Especially in 6h (DAILY, ugh). This happened a few days ago. My mom took me to this store and she was yapping about to buy pajamas. We went EARLY, BRO EARLY. And I wanted those at a 50% discount. Guess what? There wasn't ANY. I ended up buying what's left on full PRICE😭. Oh and just a day later they restocked them with another discount.💀 (I didn't go I was MAD while others got it). This also happens with papers (on the day I deliver them the administration is closed or the site is crashing). My dad always roasts me for having shitty luck.
I also hated the smartest guy of my last year class (Jupiter sag) because he always goes absent (we had punishments for those, he got none! And he ended up being 1st place while i got 2nd..).
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• Reading a chart, can be difficult. Which is why astro.com and other sites provide tables that are easier to understand (yes I used tables first before understanding the chart drawing and lines). I connected them though. So highly recommended!
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• Connecting psychological behavior also helped me. Including physical appearances/aspects of people.
- I have Mars in 1h and I have a scar near my nose. (1h represents the face). A lot of acne too...☹️
- I don't have a dominant planet but a mix of three. Moon (gave me round curvy soft features). Jupiter (big features, wider body, chubby). And even Neptune (idk all I got is down turned, poop dark eyes).
- Also Mars in gemini and these hands, I do a lot of hand gestures and aggressive with hands (with a lot of nervous habits around them...I GOT Paronychia like 10 times in the past 5 years😭). Also I have a scar on my wrist from one time I was playing with scissors and my uncle yelled at me for something and I accidentally cut myself💀
- my family always complains about how I lose or gain weight (I don't realize this nor notice. I don't follow any diets either) unpredictably, it's perhaps a 6h Jupiter thing.
- Leo moons always tend to be beautiful from my experience (easily fitting the society's beauty standards no matter how different they all look, bro all of those I met).
- Lilith in 4h and my family telling me how to dress up properly and that I'm showing too much skin or my dress is too short (ever since I was a kid too, what is this). Also touching you inappropriately...ugh.
- People telling me to stop being loud while I got a Gemini mars and rising.
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And that's about all it?? Thanks for reading my yap session🥳 (half of these are my placements, sure I could use others but I don't wanna mislead anyone).
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ranchclan · 1 day ago
Are the cats gay or European?
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Call me a euro one more time I dare u /j
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mymoongirlreadings · 1 day ago
Astrological Placements That Push Us Toward Self-Care & Wellness 🌿🧘‍♀️ 🍽️ 🏋️☀️
Capricorn Rising ☁️
Leo Rising ☁️
Gemini Rising ☁️
Aquarius Rising ☁️
Virgo Rising ☁️
Pisces Rising ☁️
Aries Rising ☁️
Rising at 10° 22° ☁️
Sun in Aries 🐏
Sun in Virgo 🧠
Sun in Scorpio 🦂
Sun in Capricorn 🐐
Sun in Pisces 🐠
Sun in the 1st house 🌞
Sun in the 6th house 🌞
Sun in the 8th house 🌞
Sun in the 10th house 🌞
Sun in the 12th house 🌞
Sun at 10° 22° 🌞
Mars in Aries 🐏
Mars in Virgo 🧠
Mars in Scorpio 🦂
Mars in Capricorn 🐐
Mars in Pisces 🐠
Mars in the 1st house 💥🏡
Mars in the 6th house 💥🏡
Mars in the 8th house 💥🏡
Mars in the 12th house 💥🏡
Mars at 1° 13° 25° 🔌🐏
Mars at 6° 18° 🔌🧠
Mars at 8° 20° 🔌🦂
Mars at 10° 22° 🔌🐐
Mars at 12° 24° 🔌🐠
Saturn in Aries 🪐
Saturn in Virgo 🪐
Saturn in Scorpio 🪐
Saturn in Pisces 🪐
Saturn in the 1st house 🏡
Saturn in the 6th house 🏡
Saturn in the 8th house 🏡
Saturn in the 12th house 🏡
Saturn at 1° 13° 25° 🪐🐏
Saturn at 6° 18° 🪐🧠
Saturn at 8° 20° 🪐🦂
Saturn at 12° 24° 🪐🐠
North/South Node in Aries/Libra 🐏 ⚖️
North/South Node in Taurus/Scorpio 🐂 🦂
North/South Node in Cancer/Capricorn 🦀 🐐
North/South Node in Virgo/Pisces 🧠🐠
North/South Node in the 1st house 🏡
North/South Node in the 8th house 🏡
North/South Node in the 12th house 🏡
North/South Node aspecting Saturn 🪐
Rising aspecting Saturn 🪐
Sun aspecting Saturn 🪐
Mars aspecting Saturn 🪐
6th house at 10° 22° ☁️🏡
8th house at 10° 22° ☁️🏡
12th house at 10° 22° ☁️🏡
The 1st, 6th, 8th & 12th houses have to do with our physical bodies, holistic health & lifespan. Saturn points to where we need to take better care of ourselves, whereas Sun & Mars points to our vitality. Aries, Virgo, Scorpio & Pisces are also signs that are heavily associated with energy, appearance, holistic health & lifespan.
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lilithlounge · 3 days ago
Hello! Could you tell me about my lilith if possible? I have an Aquarius Lilith 17° in the 3rd house. It is squaring mercury, conjunct saturn, and squaring pluto.
If anyone is interested in getting a reading, you can book one on: Ko-fi or Buy Me A Coffee and get +1 free reading.
Lilith in Aquarius 17° You question everything. Rules? Guidelines? Societal norms? Cute, but no thanks. Your mind is a mad scientist’s lab, you see the world differently, and people either love your uniqueness or find you terrifyingly unpredictable. Either way, you win. You don’t do fake. If someone is talking nonsense, you will call them out, and honestly, it’s a public service.
3rd House You probably got in trouble as a kid for “talking back” when in reality, you were just dropping truth bombs. Your words cut, shock, and enlighten, sometimes all at once. You say the things everyone is thinking but too scared to say. Your texts are a rollercoaster. One minute, you’re roasting someone; the next, you’re sending an existential TED Talk at 2 AM.
Square Mercury, your brain runs at 5,000 mph, but it can also make you overthink or say things so bluntly people need a moment to recover. Not your fault they weren’t ready for the truth!
Conjunct Saturn You fearless philosopher. Your words hold weight, and people listen when you speak even if they pretend not to. Authority figures either love you or strangle you, there’s no in between.
Square Pluto When you argue, you don’t argue to win, you argue to DESTROY. Your words dig deep, expose secrets, and leave people questioning their entire existence. Use that power wisely, my love.
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wonders-of-the-cosmos · 8 months ago
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Storm at Saturn's north pole
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI/CICLOPS/Kevin M. Gill
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spacewonder19 · 6 months ago
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Saturn and Moon © cosmic_background
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without-ado · 8 months ago
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Saturn l Dan Borja l composite
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odinsblog · 8 months ago
Saturn, the planet with the most known moons in our solar system: 146
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segacity · 2 days ago
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Mesh 'Alien Trilogy' SEGA Saturn Support us on Patreon
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the-wolf-and-moon · 1 month ago
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Rings Of Saturn
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zegalba · 2 years ago
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Saturn by NASA (2019
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nemfrog · 7 months ago
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"Phases of Saturn's rings." A fourteen weeks course in descriptive astronomy. 1870.
Internet Archive
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tenkuu-otoshi · 1 year ago
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The first image of Saturn from the James Webb Space Telescope
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